Heft 168e

Guo Zhenzhi:

Television Regulation And China´s Entry Into WTO (English version),

Köln, im August 2003, ISBN 3-934156-59-2

24 pp., Schutzgebühr 2,00 €

In this paper the author depicts the development of China’s media system after WTO entry. She examines the process and prospect of transforming China’s existing re­gime of television regulation, characterized largely by internal, ambiguous, and change­able command, into a new regime of open, explicit, and more stable law and regulations. It begins with a brief overview of the history of Chinese television and the evolution of its political and administrative control mechanisms, followed by a short description of the broadcasting regulatory reform. It then proceeds to ana­lyze the development of broadcasting related regulations,focusing on two areas –Television institution and programming regulations, which are the most recent and most conspicuous changes of broadcasting reform. Finally, the paper con­cludes with a brief discussion of the prospects for Chinese regulation transforma­tion. Far from most optimistic predictions, this paper argues that the regulation changes hitherto in Chinese television are more restrictive than freeing, that they change more superficially than substantially, that Chinese television reform has a long way to go to reach lawful regulations. 

This paper was finished during a stay at the Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne, Germany, in August 2003. German DAAD supported the visit at the Institute for Broadcasting Economics in the context of a joint research project with the Communication University of China (former: Beijing Broadcasting Institute). 

The author is Research Professor at the Communication University of China.

Table of Contents:

1. Transformation of China´s Broadcasting Management
1.1. Tradition of China´s Broadcasting
1.2. Transformation of the Management

2. Development of China´s Broadcasting Law and Regulation
2.1. The Characteristics of Media Managements
2.2. The Development of a Broadcasting Legislation

3. Institution and Programming Regulations of Chinese Television
3.1. Media Institutional Management
3.2. Program Market Management

4. Conclusion: Regulating Chinese Television by Laws and Regulations