Heft 223e

Manfred Kops:

A Revenue-Based Methodology for the Classification and Comparison of Broadcasting Systems,

Cologne, June 2007, ISBN 978-3-938933-25-1

88 pages, Nominal Charge 20,00 €

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1. The Market, the State, and the Voluntary Sector as Alternative Institutions for the Provision of Broadcasting Programs
1.1. The Market, the State, and the Voluntary Sector as Alternative Institutions for the Provision of Goods
1.2. The Market as Provider of Broadcasting Programs
1.3. The State as Provider of Broadcasting Programs
1.4. The Voluntary Sector as a Provider of Broadcasting Programs
1.5. Mixed Broadcasting Orders

2. Revenue Structure as a Main Determinant for the Broadcasters' Program Output
2.1. Financing Broadcasters through the Market, the State, or the Voluntary Sector
2.2. Revenue Structures, Incentives and Program Outputs
2.3. Empirical Evidence for the Effects of Revenue Structures on Program Output
2.4. Broadcasting Systems: Pure or Mixed, Monistic or Pluralistic?

3. A Geometric Model for the Description of National Broadcasting Orders
3.1. A "Magic Triangle" as Frame for the Classification of Broadcasters
3.2. A Revenue Based Distinction between Three Types of "Pure" Broadcasters and Seven Types of “Mixed” Broadcasters
3.3. Public Service Broadcasters - a Hybrid System between State and Civil Society
3.4. Representing Revenue Structures of Broadcasting Systems by Aggregating the Revenue Structures of the Systems Members
3.5. Geometrical Exposition of the German Dual Broadcasting Order

4. The Revenue Structures of Existing Broadcasting Systems. An International Comparison
4.1. Some Existing Typologies for Broadcasting Systems
4.2. A Revenue-Based Classification and Comparison of Broadcasters
4.3. Changing Revenue Structures of Broadcasting Systems over Time
4.4. Normative and Positive Analyses
4.5. Two Basic Ways to Adjust Broadcasting Systems

5. Summary